How To Find A 4-Leaf Clover

November 24, 2021Camping News4 Comments

If you ever wanted to have luck beyond your wildest imagination, then you need to know how to find a 4-leaf clover!
Fortunately, we’ve spoken to countless 4-leaf clover finder experts and they’ve agreed to share their secrets.

Leprechauns and other people say that the chance of finding a 4-leaf clover is about one in 10,004.  They are quite rare in nature, with the four leaves representing hope, faith, love and luck. Keep that in mind (if you don’t find one), because 3 out of 4 leaves isn’t too bad.

In the spirit of full-transparency, the images in this article are for demonstration purposes only. The “clovers” in the pictures aren’t exactly clovers. They pretty much look just like a clover, but are actually Redwood Sorrel found in Humboldt Redwoods State Park.

Alrighty then, let’s dig into exactly how to find a 4-leaf clover:

1.     Block out a good amount of time because you’re probably going to have to look at a minimum of 10,003 clovers.

2.     Make sure you’re able to distinguish between a stick, weed, fern, flower or redwood tree.

3.     Try and stay on the trail when looking so you don’t accidentally step on a 4-leaf clover. That’s extremely bad luck.

4.     Also “Stay on the road. Keep clear of the moors.” You don’t want to run into a Werewolf. That’s bad luck too.

5.     Search low, not high. Clovers grow low to the ground (no more than 6 inches). Redwood trees are really really tall.

6.     If you see one with 4-leaves, you’ve found a 4-leaf clover.

By the way, the leaves of the redwood sorrel (Oxalis orgena) are edible. They have a delightful sour, tangy taste. Just don’t eat a 4-leaf one. That’s bad luck.

Best of luck and let us know if you find a 4-leaf clover!

4 Replies to “How To Find A 4-Leaf Clover”

  1. My brother discovered all along his house. A few weeks ago I found some at my mother’s house.

  2. Lanny Tripp says:

    I work for the power company in Texas, restoring power all over the country after ice storms, MANY hurricanes, Florida many times, Virginia, Kansas, Louisiana, all over Texas, but I was working north of Houston Texas and working a storm in 2007 and my Co worker was making up the weatherhead and I was standing in the front yard of a nice house with a lot of pine trees down, I looked down and saw a 4 leaf clover , stuck out like a sore thumb, I told him I’m looking at a 4 leaf clover he said ” bull $#!t” I reached down and pulled it by the root and I still have it, my first one, gave second one i found to my son and third to my daughter, have a lot of petrified rocks and 2 nice not worth anything but 1 pearl white rock, really smooth, and other has some color to it but it’s just a rock, don’t rob me lol just rocks and petrified wood pieces. Retired 2017, haven’t found anything in years, quit looking.

    • Hi Lanny,
      Thanks for sharing and what a great story about you finding a 4-leaf clover! Very cool you still have it too . . . and that you found two more! You’re a lucky guy for sure.

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