Best Campgrounds to View Solar Eclipse

June 28, 2017Campground Recommendations2 Comments

On August 21 the total solar eclipse will pass over the United States and we’ve compiled a list of best campgrounds to see the solar eclipse as it moves over each state.

Chances are most of these campgrounds are already sold out, but you may pick up a cancellation. And if you’re lucky to already have a campsite – you can see a photo of what your campsite looks like by clicking on the links provided in this post.

According to NASA, the path of the solar eclipse will take it through Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina.

We already profiled the Oregon campgrounds in a blog and you can see it HERE. All the rest of the state campgrounds are listed below.

And be sure to send us your favorite eclipse camping photo (if you visit one of these campgrounds during the eclipse). You may win a t-shirt (more info below)!








South Carolina

So that’s our list!

If you’re fortunate enough to stay at one of these campgrounds during the eclipse – please send us your favorite eclipse camping photo. We’ll post to the site and give you a shout out.  The 3 best eclipse camping photos (judged by our fans) will win a t-shirt! Send your photo to:



2 Replies to “Best Campgrounds to View Solar Eclipse”

  1. Nancy Ricciardi says:

    There are some mistakes here. Both Smokemont and Deep Creek are in North Carolina. Also other than these two you totally left out North Carolina.

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